Friday, November 26, 2010

Blog Reflection

The blog assignment was a learning experience that had some pros and cons. I have never blogged before and I was surprised at how easy it was to set up. I found it easy to navigate through the blog pages and customizations. The biggest challenge was trying to figure out how to add links to the other class members’ blogs, but once I figured out how to do the first one, the rest was easy. Now that my blog is set up and actually has posts with pictures, I am a little proud of this accomplishment of learning to blog!

One of my biggest disappointments was to learn that blogging is blocked at the school that I work at as a paraprofessional in Eureka Springs. It is blocked on every teacher’s computer as well as the computers in the library. I felt that it would be beneficial for teachers to be able to blog during a prep period and use blogging as a tool to share and gain ideas to and from other teachers. I feel that incorporating blogs into the classroom would benefit the students as they would be in awe to see a teacher’s blog with posts and pictures of activities that they have done; it would give them a sense of pride in their accomplishments as a class. It was hard for me to keep up with the blog as an MAT student who isn’t teaching yet. I felt that I would have more to blog about if I had a teaching job; however it was nice to be able to read some of the other MAT student’s blogs and read about their teaching experiences.

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